707 VII

Frehleys Comet (Ace Frehley of Kiss) covered Megaforce on their first release and made Megaforce  a rock radio hit once again !

Releasing a total of: 7 studio records, 2 Live records, 2 soundtracks, and 4 compilations as well as  "707 Anthology" boxed set plus the newly released "707 VII"

"Kevin Russell's 707 has always been a real powerhouse of a band and The New 707 is just that ! And man they ROCK!"
..... (The L.A. Times)

“These guys remind us just how cool this music really is. Kevin Russell's 707 is dynamite!”...........
(Kerrang Magazine)

"Kevin Russell's 707 is a fun experience into what great classic rock music should sound like"!  Two Thumbs Up boys! ".....(The Hollywood Reporter)

"It is such a pleasure to hear this music played with such regard and integrity. Classic Rock is in very good hands with Kevin Russell's New707! Thank you ".

(The Classic Rock Report )